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OpenH743I-C Standard, STM32H7 Development Board
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OpenH743I-C is an STM32 development board designed for the STM32H743IIT6 microcontroller, consists of the mother board and the MCU core board CoreH743I.
The OpenH743I-C supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with STM32 series microcontrollers.
Onboard Peripherals
- MCU core board connector: for easily connecting the CoreH743I
- Arduino interface: for connecting Arduino shields
- DCMI interface: for connecting camera
- 8-bit FMC interface: easily connects to peripherals such as NandFlash
- ULPI interface: for connecting high-speed USB peripheral (the STM32H743I integrates USB HS controller without any PHY device)
- LCD interface 1: for connecting 10.1inch LCD, 7inch LCD, 4.3inch LCD
- LCD interface 2: for connecting 4.3inch LCD
- SAI1 interface: for connecting audio modules
- ICSP interface: Arduino ICSP
- SPI interfaces:
- easily connects to SPI peripherals such as DataFlash (AT45DBxx, W25QXX), SD card, MP3 module, etc.
- easily connects to AD/DA modules (SPI1 features AD/DA alternative function)
- Ethernet interface: for connecting Ethernet modules
- I2S / I2C interface: easily connects to I2S peripherals such as audio module, etc.
- USART1 connector: USB to UASRT via the onboard convertor CP2102
- QUADSPI interface: 4-wires SPI interface (the H7 series latest peripheral interface), for connecting serial Flash modules like W25QXX Board
- SDMMC interface: for connecting Micro SD module, features much faster access speed rather than SPI
- USART3 interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
- CAN2 interface: for connecting CAN modules
- CAN1 interface: for connecting CAN modules
- I2C1/I2C4 interface: easily connects to I2C peripherals such as I/O expander (PCF8574), EEPROM (AT24Cxx), 10 DOF IMU Sensor, etc.
- MCU pins connector: all the MCU I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
- 5V DC jack
- 5V/3.3V power input/output: usually used as power output, also common-grounding with other user board
- Power supply switch: powered from 5VDC OR USB connection of the USART1
- CP2102: USB to UART convertor
- LEDs: convenient for indicating I/O status and/or program running state
- Joystick: five positions
- WAKE UP button: used as regular button, and/or wake up the STM32 MCU from sleep
- Reset button
- USART1 jumper
- LED jumper
- short the jumper to connect to default I/Os used in example code
- open the jumper to connect to custom I/Os via jumper wires
- KEY jumper
- short the jumper to connect to default I/Os used in example code
- open the jumper to connect to custom I/Os via jumper wires
- Arduino jumper
- short the upper pins, A4, A5 is used as AD function
- short the lower pins, A4, A5 is used as I2C function